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Experienced Engineering Consulting

Fresh eyes can change the outlook on engineering challenges.  That is what we do – with knowledge, experience, and innovative thinking.  Use our spark jump forward and find the desired solutions.

Save Time & Money

(官方)下载Since Time is Money, a shorter path to success brings more of both.  Let Synthesis walk with you to shorten the path.

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  • Engineering Consulting

The Spark For Solutions

We approach technical problem solving with ideas and innovation.  With more than 25 years of successful engineering consulting, we trust experience and the creative process.

We come with a spirit of collaboration, and you get more than just fresh perspective.  Here are some benefits we bring:

Seasoned expertise from years of consulting on hundreds of projects.

A broad spectrum of experience from a variety of industries.

A boost for your capability without a long-term commitment.

Idea cross-pollination, bringing ideas from other industries to you.

(官方)下载Synthesis – Mechanical Engineering Consulting Services

How Does It Work?

The word 'Consulting' often conjures varied interpretations.  At the core, it embodies an 'Outside Influence' bringing a 'Fresh Perspective'.  This description resonates well.

Indeed, "Engineering Consulting" does cover a lot of services.  Samples give a feel for where we go with it.

'Engineering Consulting' is unique for each customer, and every project.  Depending on the nature and urgency of the project, we usually begin by melding minds with your team.  Collaboration to capture in-house knowledge and skill is vital to success, and is a foundation to implement effective solutions.

For Design Reviews, we delve into your goals;  in forensics we first unravel histories and contributing factors.  And, for enhancing manufacturing efficiency, we explore past experiments, bottlenecks, and process limitations.

All of this is guided by you.  We bring a fresh view through a lens of experience, but success requires your direction and expertise.

We Will Do The Heavy Lifting

Yes, every project is different, so we ask a lot of questions.  You are the experts in your business.  So, our role in engineering consulting may be simply to guide the thinking around roadblocks, or introduce different perspectives.  On the other hand, our role can be exploration of innovative ideas, or developing plans, or any number of tasks.

Let us dig in, while you keep the lights on and the customers happy.

(官方)下载Here is a glimpse of things Synthesis can bring to the table:

Design Engineering Concept Evaluation
Concept Evaluation

Design Review & Design Consulting:

We help with new designs and with evaluating competitive designs.  Let us look things over and see if there's room for improvement, or to see if there are extra opportunities with your goals.

These images can't do the technicality of these projects justice.  But that's when we know we've hit true innovation - the elegance makes it feel like the solution should have been obvious.

Mechanical Forensic Study
Forensic Study

Why Did It Break?

Unfortunately, that is an all too common question when things don't go quite right.

When things break or parts fail, it's not always easy to know why, but it's imperative you find the answer.  In engineering consulting we dig into not just the obvious issues, but the surrounding factors too.  It's part of Product &Industrial Forensics.

(官方)下载Especially when safety and reputation are on the line, Synthesis will assist in finding the cause.  When needed,Forensic studyis one way to find solutions to get back on track.

Engineering Research

Engineering R&D:

As part ofbuilding leversto accomplish your goals, allowing others to assist with the Engineering Research is a great way to do more in less time.

(官方)下载Synthesis has acted in the capacity as research facility for several customer projects, including the design of the tiny parts above (photo taken with a microscope).In cases like this we have stretched technology and applied ideas from other industries to find the desired results.

Research is a great example of Mechanical Engineering Consulting.

Manufacturing Process Evaluation
Process Evaluation

Make It Flow ...

Better, Faster, More Efficient, Higher Quality, or other factors.

A streamlined process can be a defining factor in profitability.  If you've identified bottlenecks or quality opportunities, but find optimization is still evading your team, our outside perspective can help identify possibilities.

Our goal is to help you reach greater capacity, streamlined flow, higher quality and greater profitability.

Design Verification
Design Verification

Looking Deeper

(官方)下载Synthesis consults with customers on new products and new designs frequently.  Often a fresh set of eyes, or a specific type of analysis will help the product reach its full potential.

Verification of the design - by many methods including CAD tools like FEA - help us learn more about the design prior to committing to a build.Some analysis types we can't do, but feel free to call us to find out if we can assist with your type of design verification.

Concept Testing
Component and System Testing

Real Time Validation

Design verification / validation can take many forms.  Sometimes that's at the completion of a project, but sometimes it's early, like in Proof of Concept - perhaps CAD, calculated verification - yet in many situations it is much more physical.

(官方)下载At Synthesis we assess many designs and figure out ways to test early to prove a concept - like the actuator above.It was the initial core of a machine, and this prototype ran over a million cycles to validate.

Find more examples of Mechanical Engineering Consulting in the79bob手机板 of past projects, and also in our growingEngineering Case Studies Library.

Collaboration:  A Key To Success!

(官方)下载Collaboration is core to the Synthesis approach.  We recognize your team has in-house knowledge and skill that is indispensable for success.  This collaborative foundation serves as a springboard for effective solutions.

(官方)下载At Synthesis, thinking "Inside the Box" is not our style, and "BLACK Boxes" are unequivocally not our domain.  We thrive on breaking barriers and exploring innovative avenues.  Working hand-in-hand with customers, we appreciate open communication and a collaborative mindset.  This cultivates a rich exchange of ideas, leading to the desirable outcome.

Recognizing your expertise in your industry, we embrace a collaborative mindset.  This can to turbocharge the creative process.  Synergy enables us to uncover the Elegant Solution to align with your goals.  Certainly, working together is the most effective way to uncover the desired answers.

Give us a call to explore how an Engineering Consultant can elevate your project, or overcome design, machine, or product challenges.

Are You Ready?

(官方)下载Call Synthesis For Your Mechanical Engineering Consulting Needs

(官方)下载As an outside Engineering Consultant, Synthesis is not constrained by industry traditions.  We work with you to leverage the inherent knowledge of your industry, business, team, and customers.  Also, we bring a collective knowledge of solutions and designs from other industries.  That's part of what makes us so valuable in efficiently finding solutions.

While hiring a consultant may seem like a big step, in reality we are much less of a commitment than a new hire.  And, we come with a whole lot more experience and skill.  These are both nice advantages aslevers to boost your bottom line.  The biggest advantage of Engineering Consulting to you as a business owner – the ability to bring in expertise on a temporary basis to focus on a specific project.  The reputation of consultants is a high price, and looking short term that might be true.  However, like hiring an Attorney, or a Dentist, or a Chimney Sweep, the long term effects of solving a problem early far outweigh the conditions of delay.

Over and over we've demonstrated ...(官方)下载Synthesis Engineering Consulting is the ticket to effective solutions.  But will we fit YOUR needs?  Yes, every project is unique, and our experience may not fit.  We understand, which is why we wrote  "How to find the RIGHT engineering consultant?"  There is really only one best way to know if we can help.

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An innovative fresh perspective is often the right spark to make a successful jump forward.
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Always Innovative Product Development & Functional Engineering Consulting!

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